BAFA Bellmare Asia Football Alliance

In January 2022, Shonan Bellmare has concluded partnerships with professional Football clubs in Asian countries. The Alliance was established so that partner clubs can develop as one group, deepening mutual exchange.

Name of the alliance 名称

Bellmare Asia Football Alliance (BAFA)

Contents of the alliance 提携内容

Cooperation shall be sought for mutual development in the following items


Exchange of top teams トップチームの交流

Support for player transfers, dispatch of coaches, and training camps


Academy exchange program アカデミーの交流

Participation of players in training, training of coaches, and participation in each other’s tournaments


Sharing of information 各種情報の共有

Player information, coach information, tournament information, TR methods


Cooperation of business divisions ビジネス部門の協力

Sponsor sales, ticketing, merchandise, fan creation

BAFA Bellmare Asia Football Alliance